I just recently bought a Drobo 5N, and stuffed it with 5x 3TB WD Red drives.

Overall, it’s been a pretty decent experience. Transfer speeds have been really good, but I did notice that the Plex Media Server performance could use a lot of work.

The point of this post was to make a note of the mounting instructions for Ubuntu. Install CIFS with sudo apt-get install cifs-utils. Then add these lines to /etc/fstab:

//khal-drobo.local/movies /home/rhys/Movies/ cifs uid=rhys,credentials=/home/rhys/.smbcredentials,user 0 0
//khal-drobo.local/tv     /home/rhys/TV/     cifs uid=rhys,credentials=/home/rhys/.smbcredentials,user 0 0
//khal-drobo.local/data   /home/rhys/Data/   cifs uid=rhys,credentials=/home/rhys/.smbcredentials,user 0 0
//khal-drobo.local/music  /home/rhys/Music/  cifs uid=rhys,credentials=/home/rhys/.smbcredentials,user 0 0

Create a ~/.smbcredentials file with the following lines followed by chmod 600 ~/.smbcredentials.


If mounting as a guest (shares with only read guest permissions):

//khal-drobo.local/music /home/rhys/Music/ cifs guest 0 0